"Takpa la ma, i'm brave"
I was in Klinik Menara accompanying mama to check up on her fever when i overheared this little girl's conversation with her mama.
Just a thought, with all those cases on child kidnapping, human trafickking and all.. I don't think we should blame it all on the parents (or bibik) for not keeping their eyes in them. Like this little kid here, she tends to wander off on her own. Mak ayah mungkin tak perasan, ye lah they've got things to attend to and so on.
But the question is, what makes kids these days brave enough to do such things? Well i personally think it may be the movies they watch or the games they play. Kalau dah kesana sini hadap iPad, and seeing kids aged 10 owning their own Samsung Galaxy S5.. And more movie productions wanting to inspire children to not be afraid and to always go for it. I'm not surprised they can just wander off thinking their Katniss Everdeen.
Mama kata pula sekarang ramai orang gila. Orang gila sekarang bukan yang pakai baju buruk jalan sana sini ulang alik tak tahu apa, orang gila sekarang setan pun takut. Back then when we were young, we could walk for miles just to find the perfect playground to hangout. We could each bring our tents and sleep outside the house overnight together. We could sneak out of the house at noon and ride a bike to the nearest kedai runcit just because we wanted an ice cream. Takpernah sekali pun terlintas.. Something dangerous would happen.
But this is just a thought, as i've said. Maybe bagus depa berani. Maybe not. Maybe 'orang gila' terlalu ramai. Maybe not. But whatever it is, make sure they can scream and run 😅