11 December, 2014


Instead of scrolling the twitter timeline hoping for someone to offer me to be a model while incessantly breathing because i am good at it and endlessly stalking sabrina over her talents... I should say i must go get a life now. So to start off, here is my misson ecey

1. Nak make something out of felt and sell it, duit tu mungkin tak cukup nak shopping tapi boleh sedekah insyaallah. Mama boleh jual kat office since i aint an instafamous 😂 
2. Nak pergi any theme park yang berdekatan sebab passport dah expired hahahahah legoland/ genting/ sunway lagoon
3. Nak pergi jumpstreet dengan moksue or starship galactica konon konon nak jaga opie aimy mika ngan kiki tapi aku nak main jugak tak kira
4. Nak tukar cadar gerik dalam bilik sebab it is orange so i can draw on it (cadar pc gelap no)
5. Nak belajar masak satu masakan pun jadila dengan kak roh
6. Omg lesen yes lesen
7. Nak completekan 1 cross stich (picture/poster/photo) idk what to call it. Nak yang besar
8. Who wants to solve a puzzle wimme jom cari yang 1000 pcs
9. Nak jadi anak yang solehah and to stop mumbling whenever mama asks me to do the chores and let aalia be. Yes let her have sleepovers sana sini (bongok jugak dia pergi bukak cadar yang mama nak hadiahkan utk wedding nana) and watching korean dramas and when i ask her to take out the trash (TAKE OUT THE FREAKING TRASH JE PUN) dia bawak la turun dari atas letak depan pintu hai la adikku.
10. Trying hard not to leave dhuha prayer and reading the quran. Jom puasa nabi Daud kawan kawan?
11. Nak hafal first 10 and last 10 verses of alkahfi, and al baqarah insyaallah. Saya bukan hafizah tapi saya tahu al baqarah surah paling panjang. Kalau albaqarah saya berjaya hafaz masyaallah tak mustahil yang lain pun boleh, let's go!
12 Nak tengok mockingjay dengan horrible bosses in the movies. Nak tengok love, rosie. Nak tengok balik semua Harry Potter series. Emm Lord of the Rings best tak?

My -1. step of mission was to clean my room so here u go